Sunday, January 03, 2010

Arts & Crafts

Have you ever thought about the different connotations these words take on - depending on whether they are used together or separately?

Arts & Crafts - the movement as described on Wikepedia "was a British, Canadian, Australian, and American aesthetic movement occurring in the last years of the 19th century and the early years of the 20th century. Inspired by the writings of John Ruskin and a romantic idealization of a craftsperson taking pride in their personal handiwork, it was at its height between approximately 1880 and 1910." Sounds pretty cool, huh? And I do love houses built in this style.

But in modern society - when you hear "arts & crafts" you think of either preschool or nursing homes, don't you? You know where they get everyone a bunch of popsicle sticks, yarn, pipe cleaners and a whole bunch of glue?

But if you hear "art" or someone is a "artist" - that brings up a wonderful connotation of museums and painting and sculpture and a whole lot of $$$.

So - in your opinion what is the difference between an "art" and a "craft"? Galleries want to display "art" but would never ever want to display "crafts". So how do you know what's what? Who decides? Some people think that Art is painting and sculpture and always beautiful stuff while Crafts are hand crocheted toilet paper dolls made by Aunt Martha. But I can tell you I have seen some hideous "art" and I would much prefer to display Aunt Martha's dolls over that anytime.

I wonder these things because I am involved in the Sullivan Area Arts - the new art council formed in Sullivan. It's a wonderful organization and has given me the opportunity to work with very talented Timmy Valentine ( who is definitely an artist.

While I would love to be an artist - I think I'll forever be in the "crafts" area - though I don't make toilet paper dolls. My crafting interests have just exploded lately. I started with scrapbooking....then have gone to handmade letters (I even designed the font and used a jigsaw!)

and handmade envelopes (acid & lignin free to store pictures)

and today - my newest creation - a tote bag made out of vintage sheets!

I think my definition of "Art" is something that is unique, inspired and fresh - something that hasn't been done before - creating what one sees in their head. Where "Craft" is more of a learned procedure of creation. It's been done before - has steps or instructions - and while it can be done uniquely - it's not typically a completely unique thing. And, being a Scientist by education - that's why I fall in the "Crafts" area. I like orderly instructions and directions. Show me a picture, and a set of directions - and if I follow them correctly I am rewarded with this beautiful piece - that someone else had the vision for - but I managed to make.

So what do you think the definition of Art and Crafts is?

Friday, October 30, 2009

Technology - Bright & Shiny Addiction

My name is Jill and I am addicted to Technology. I am the marketing guru's dream come true. Show me any commerical or ad that is high tech - and shows some new gadget that has just been invented - especially things that can do everything and are portable and have buttons and can go in my pocket......I start drooling. I get obsessed. Have to have new item. How can I get new item. What can I sell or forego to have money to buy new item.

But then - do I really use the item? I spend money, I spend days, even weeks of time reading the manual learning all that it can do and tweeking it to make it do cool things. And pulling my hair out making it talk to all of my other technology. Then.......a new commerical...a new gadget....Have to have NEW gadget.

And so it goes....

But the funny thing is - I really don't have the hi-tech paperless spirit to go along with it. Take for example - my Samsung Omnia Windows Media Phone. Close to an iPhone as you can get - without the iphone. HAD.TO.HAVE.IT. Got it - loved it - played with it all that. It was a phone of course, and an mp3 player - as well as syncing with Media Center and watching TV shows or other videos, 5 meg Pixel camera, Microsoft Office, Outlook, etc - everything. And Facebook of course.

I still wrote my Dr and Hair Cut appts on little cards in my wallet - i couldn't concentrate enough to actually type in an entry while I was at the receptionist window carrying on a conversation. Believe me I tried. But the appt entry was undecipherable. Something like....Ft Vjiollj on some random day at midnight - and the alarm would sound to tell me I'm supposed to be somewhere -but who knew where and really when?

I've never once attempted to do an Excel spreadsheet on my phone, or a Power Point Presentation - or even a letter to my Mother in Word. But gosh dang it - it's really cool that my little phone as Microsoft Office.

But - the gotta love that, right? Well......for one - there are like 3 different music players on it - and they confused me...and when I told them to go find my library - they would say it wasn't there. Cause there is so many places to store files. My Documents My Music on the device, but there's also something called My Storage. and it has a My Documents and My Music too. But hold on....there is also something called My Storage Card...and it has folders too! Oh where oh where did I put those 500 songs? Ok - i'm going jogging - I'll just grab my little Creative Zen it's a 2 inch square and it fits in my little zipper pocket - and I hit play and it plays the music!

The Internet is kinda cool though. One time I looked up movie times while we were out to dinner. And one time someone in the car asked who sang some obscure song - and I looked that up too.

I also signed up for the Verizon Navigation program - of course that cost extra - but it was an emergency - we were on our way via Amtrack to go see a show Morgan was in - and we didn't have any idea how to get to the theater once arriving in downtown Chicago. So while on the way up there I activated the service. And it went about figuring out where we wanted to go and where we were......and OMG - it was very alarming - it said out load for everyone to hear "YOU ARE NOT ON A ROAD". Duh. Glad it told me - wouldn't have known I was on a train tracks if not for it's warning.

So in theory - such a cool thing. In one phone - it could replace all these devices that I use: phone, camera, mp3 player, PDA and computer. And I want it to - I really do. Cause you know it's really cool sitting in the middle of church browsing Facebook..... (just kidding - I don't do that)

And I was working towards breaking all my ties to my other devices and just figuring out how to use everything. But the final straw. I must pay $30 a month on top of all other phone charges for the privilege of using it. This if for unlimited Internet package. I've already told you that I really don't use the internet. Well - i could get addicted to facebook - but I can stop cold turkey. So I asked the nice little phone company to shut that off so I can save $30 a month (see post about needing money to buy dog heart meds). They said ----uummm - No. You want the phone - you gotta have the Data package. I said - I love the phone - the internet pkg - not so much. They say - they're a package deal. I try to explain that the phone has WiFi (how cool is that) - if I want the internet I can just go to a public hot spot and use it for free. They don't like that. No internet pkg - no phone activation.

Have you seen my current phone - it's a nice little Chocolate model.....

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Frugal Times

I don't know about your house - but at our house we have been looking for any way to save money. It's been a gradual process - but a little more intense since our last "recession" started - or whatever it is. Prices have gone up, income has stayed the same and we've had some new expenses.

We've even considered cancelling our cable service. (GASP). Currently for both Cable & Internet we pay around $90/month with MediaCom. I really need that $90. See, one of our dogs - Hannah - is soon to turn 13. And she has been healthy as a horse (are they really generally healthy?) her whole life - but now she has congestive heart failure and the beginnings of kidney failure. So she is on two heart meds - one is $75 a prescription, the other an economical $13. And the prescription dog food is ~$50/month. When John, Ian and I were talking about it - someone said it's not like we can watch our dog die while we continue to enjoy TV. It would be an easy choice. So far I'm still trying to find that money somewhere else in the budget.

So here are things that we currently do to save money:

  1. Rarely, if ever go out to eat - eat at home and/or bring my lunch)

  2. Don't go to movies

  3. John stopped buying DVDs - buys or trades for them occasionally at used book store.

  4. Buy clothes at Thrift and Consignment shops. (Exceptions undergarments & shoes)

  5. Go 8 weeks between hair cuts/color

  6. Made dog toys from old jeans

  7. Use leftovers for dog treats

  8. Use library or swap sites for books, dvds, cds (check out )

  9. Save electricity by only turning lights on in rooms we're in.

  10. Air Conditioning - set at 78-80, Heat - set at 65.

So what do all of you do to save money?

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

A New Perspective....A Fresh Start

Ok guys - this is the night that I'm going to take my blog in a different direction. In the past - the way distant past - I used to write - but mostly about dogs. Now, a couple of years later - I still LOVE dogs but also have other interests or things on my mind that would like to "chat" about.

"Chat" - That's where you come in. I'm hoping that I'll have a few friends and relatives actually read this blog. What I'm hoping for is instead of me just telling you a story about something - that I will present a topic or question - and then through the comments everyone can participate and discuss.

See - from my year on Facebook I have found that I find it really interesting what other people think...getting a different perspective. And I love to read discussion forums where people that are smarter and more experienced than I discuss the way they do things or see things.

So if you have a topic you'd like to discuss....well you'll have to write your own blog.....just kidding...just let me know and I'll add it to my list.

So my first Blogs. Do any of you have your own blog? Do you read any blogs? Which ones - or what topics/kinds of blogs do you find yourself drawn to?

The topics I'm usually looking for in a blog are

  • Frugality/Saving Money

  • Simplifying/De-cluttering

  • Recycling - Vintage Decor

My visual qualities I look for are....

  • Pretty pictures

  • Nice layout

  • Not cluttered

  • No Ads

Okay - for those of you that I'm sending a link to this - I know the first post is VERY dry - but stop back by and join a discussion...

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

A Morning in the Glamourus Life of a Dog Rescuer

I'm going to describe my morning to you

I woke up....walked out of the bedroom - on the way to the living room to let the dogs out.......someone had pooped on the rug in between the media room and the living room.......
... stepped over it - let the dogs out....went to the bathroom to get some kleenexes to pick it up......someone had peed a ton on the rug in the bathroom.. Sigh
... went and picked up the poop - put it in the toilet....picked up the rug and put it in the laundry....cleaned up the wet wood floor under the rug
... putting on makeup....Zeva came and got me - she needed to go back out....went in the living room - someone had thrown up orange puke - all over the living room......
... Sigh

... Cleaned that up ....scrubbed the carpet....

... finished getting ready.....picked up my bag ....heading to the garage.......there was a LAKE of pee near the bar
... Big Sigh
.. put my bag down - cleaned that up

... Drove to work. So far no one has pooped, peed or thrown up in my office - but the day isn't over......

Monday, July 16, 2007


Here are the latest pictures I have of Jack - they are from May 10. For some reason I can't find the email that went along with them that gave his latest status.

I know that originally they had some behavioral issues - with him thinking he belonged a little higher in the pack order. They did take him to training class and I believe that he was acting much better the last time I heard.

I can't believe how much Jack and Jesse (Jackson) look alike now.

Another picture of Jack

The Before picture of Jack:

Jesse (now Jackson) UPDATE

Here is an update I received from his new family at the end of May:

Hello!We just wanted to send you an updated picture of Jackson for the website. He is doing just great ... we've all settled into a routine with each other and we're doing well. Jackson isn't housetrained yet, but he's improving so much. It's been a few days since there's been an accident, though we're not quite ready to let him roam all over the house. Tomorrow night is his third puppy class. Scott is still thrilled to have a dog ... he wants to take Jackson everywhere. Thanks again for all your help and for all you guys at Genesis do!--Laurel, Jeff, & Scott

Here is his "Before" picture:

Wednesday, March 28, 2007


Jesse was the last born of the litter - and the last to do everything since then. He was still nursing while everyone else was trying out puppy kibble. He is the most laid back of all of them.

He is short and stocky like Jethro - but closer to Jack's reddish coloring. He does have more fuzziness than Jack - and white on his chin and chest.

He is never a bit of trouble - though we are having to work a little harder with him to be more confident in meeting strangers.


Janie is the most Schnauzer looking of the entire litter. She looks a lot like her mama. She is also the tiniest of the litter. She is small and very petite.
But she is only small in size - her personality is SUPER SIZE. She is my wild child. She kicks butt and takes names. She is all teeth - and starts fights wherever she goes. She just loves to instigate trouble with her brothers and sisters. We laugh around our house when we hear two puppies arguing - we say "Janie who are you picking on now?" Now don't get me wrong - she doesn't do any of it to be mean - it's just that her motto is "Girls Just Want To Have Fun!"

Jack was the runt of the litter at birth. And although he has caught up size wise - he is still the baby of the litter.
He loves human attention - loves to be held. He is the biggest kisser of the group. When you pick him up you will get your face washed over and over.
He will cry and howl if he is lonely and needing to be picked up.
Jack is small with a petite structure - not as tall as Joya and Jeb - but not as short as Jethro and Jesse. He is almost a red color with mostly smooth coat - though his face is getting that Schnauzer fuzz.


Jeb is the explorer! He LOVES to climb. And JUMP. He is just Happy! Happy! Happy!

And he is BEAUTIFUL. He has the taller, lankier frame like Joya. He has the fuzzy beard like a Schnauzer.

He also loves people - but more into playing than snuggling. Loves Tug of War - he plays with my Chihuaha/JRT - and has even won once!


Joya was born feet first! And is still doing things her own way! She is the most self confident of the group. At 4 weeks reached up and swatted my grouchy terrier mix in the face! She was the first to do everything: walk, scream, bark, escape from the whelping box, escape from the living room and go exploring. Whoever adopts her will never have a dull moment. She will keep them on their toes.

But Joya is very very sweet - and loves people and especially loves to have her tummy rubbed.

She is also the first to crash and fall asleep after every play session.


The puppy in the foreground is Jethro. (Jack is the one behind him)

Jethro was the first born and by far the largest of the puppies. His brothers and sisters have all caught up with him though and he is not noticeably bigger. Though he has the short & stocky stature like his brother Jesse.

Jethro is very laid back, just middle of the road kinda personality. He likes to play and have fun - but can be very cuddly when he is held